Sortera på: Rubrik Tillfälle

Att använda CIS – Carbon Intelligence System

Introduktion till CIS (Carbon Intelligence System) och dess funktioner.
2024-09-10   13.00-14.00
2024-09-27   15.00-16.00
2024-10-10   10.00-11.00

Chefsutbildning i GU:s miljöarbete

Målet med utbildningen är att tydliggöra dekaners, prefekters och chefers ansvar i miljöarbetet/miljöledningssystemet.
2024-05-16   10.00-12.00
2024-10-02   10.00-12.00
2024-11-12   13.00-15.00

Constructive Alignment for Sustainable Course Design

In this workshop, participants will explore practical strategies for embedding sustainability principles across these three dimensions, ensuring alignment among learning objectives, instructional methods, and assessment criteria. Through collaborative discussions and hands-on activities, participants will gain insights into effective course design techniques that promote sustainability literacy and foster critical thinking skills in students.
2024-11-05   10.00-12.00

Education regarding barcode module in KLARA


Empowering Students for Climate Action: Panel Discussion

Acknowledging the pivotal role students play in shaping our collective future, both within our university and beyond, the Section for Sustainability at the University of Gothenburg is organizing a panel discussion aimed at empowering students towards climate action.
2024-05-13   10.00-12.00

Inspirationslunch för studenter: Alla kan jobba med hållbarhet!

Oavsett vad du studerar är du välkommen på lunchföreläsning om framtidens hållbara jobb. Möt framtida arbetsgivare och bli inspirerad till hur just du kan vara med och bidra till en hållbar utveckling efter dina studier.
2024-05-16   12.00-14.30

Integrating Sustainability into Courses: Linking GU’s 10 Criteria and the SDGs

You are invited to join us for an engaging workshop aimed at exploring strategies for integrating sustainability into courses and programmes using a dual framework of the  former 10 criteria at GU and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
2024-11-13   10.00-12.00

KLARA-utbildning för inventerare

KLARA-utbildning för inventerare
Öppen för intresseanmälan

Klimatledarskap vid GU

Vi ska reducera våra CO2-utsläpp med 50% till 2030 och vi ska vara klimatneutrala till 2045, hur ska det gå till?
2024-09-05   14.30-16.00

Möte för miljösamordnare och miljörepresentanter

Välkomna till information och diskussion om det löpande hållbarhetsarbetet vid universitetet och hur det berör dig!
2024-05-14   13.00-15.00
2024-10-09   09.00-11.00
2024-12-10   13.00-15.00

Sustainify Your Syllabi

The workshop aims to support teachers/course leaders interested in incorporating sustainability into their courses/programmes. The workshop serves a dual purpose: as an introductory platform for those new to integrating sustainability, and as a catalyst for advancing existing sustainability initiatives within courses.
2024-09-02   10.00-12.00

Synergizing Discipline-Specific Competencies with Cross-Cutting Key ESD Competencies

This workshop discusses the nuanced process of integrating cross-cutting competencies alongside discipline-specific skills. Participants will engage in discussions exploring strategies for navigating this integration, ensuring that students are equipped with both specialized knowledge and the interdisciplinary skills essential for addressing complex sustainability challenges.
2024-10-01   10.00-12.00

Transformative Assessment for Integrating Sustainability

Welcome to a thought-provoking workshop focusing on transformative assessment within the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
2024-12-03   10.00-12.00

Transformative Sustainability Learning Workshop within EUTOPIA Alliance

Embracing a multi-disciplinary, intercultural, and trans-institutional perspective, these workshops offer a platform for collaboration, aiming to systematically embed sustainability principles across academic domains.
2024-05-03   10.00-12.00

Workshop - Sustainable Development Goals – Impact Assessment Tool in Education

We offer you to test and learn more about the SDG Impact Assessment Tool (SDG-IAT) as an opportunity to integrate Sustainable Development and SDGs into a course or study program. You will receive an introduction to the tool, as well as do practical elements linked to a course or program you teach or are responsible for.